Event Info
Date and Time:
13 Aug 2024 13:00 - 15:30
Cost per person:
R 75,00
Seats available:
Eenheid Primary School
Contact Person:
Bernadette de Klerk - 071 871 0232 (bernadette@fedsas.org.za)
We urge all schools in the Modimole are tot take advantage of a training opportunity for newly elected SGB's. The induction session will be hosted by Hennie Combrink and George Moroasui and will encompass a comprehensive overwiew of the general fuctions of the SGB in accordance with the SA Schools Act.
Cost of registration for FEDSAS members at R75.00 per person. Please sign into your profile to register for the session
Registration for non-FEDSAS members at R75.00 per person can be done by following the link: https://forms.gle/fbaJc2gUZHsmirkh8