
Bloemfontein home to several education law experts

03/08/2017 - Fedsas

One of the cornerstones of a good education system is proven expertise in the numerous fields that form part of the education chain. One of these is indepth knowledge of education law and in this regard Bloemfontein and the Free State can hold its own. The national office of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (FEDSAS) is in Bloemfontein, which means several of the country’s foremost legal thinkers in the field of education law can be found in the City of Roses.
The influence of FEDSAS on the field of edcuation law also extends to strong relationships with the city’s broader legal fraternity. One of these is FEDSAS’ ties with Mr Marius Janse van Rensburg of the Bloemfontein law firm Horn & Van Rensburg. “Marius was elected to the provincial manangement of FEDSAS in the Free State in 2003, and he was the provincial chairperson from 2006 to 2012. But his involvement with FEDSAS goes even deeper. All three the current legal officers at FEDSAS completed their articles of clerkship under the mentorship of Marius,” says Mr Paul Colditz, CEO of FEDSAS. All three are admitted attorneys and are involved in education law on a full-time basis. “Marius’ legal knowledge combined with his experience of school governance is clearly visible in their work,” says Colditz. Ms Ankia Bester, Assistant Provincial Secretary of the South African Teachers’ Union (SAOU), was also a candidate attorney at Horn & Van Rensburg.
Janse van Rensburg says he actually became involved in education when his wife, Lente, started to work as a primary school teacher more than 30 years ago. “Since then my daughter also became a teacher. Although my legal work does not focus solely on education law, education has always been part of my life!”
In his opinion FEDSAS is the most influential education roleplayer in South Africa, says Janse van Rensburg. “I think the organisation’s most important contribution is the establishment of internal structures that make expert contributions to all areas in education in a authoritative and ethical manner. This contribution entails more than the service that FEDSAS delivers to its members. The South African Schools’ Act is complex. And, with respect, the biggest shortcomings that I have experienced over the years are the understanding and application of the Schools’ Act by officials at district level. In this regard FEDSAS plays a crucial role through research and through its involvement in several important court cases.”
FEDSAS’ legal officers are to a large extent responsible for this research and legal advice. FEDSAS’ Deputy CEO, Dr Jaco Deacon, says Janse van Rensburg’s role as mentor has a big impact on the succes of the team. “The FEDSAS legal team is highly regarded country-wide and they serve on numerous education law structures. Marius played an important role in this regard.” FEDSAS’ Manager: Support Services, Mrs Suzaan Mellet, agrees. “Although I’ve completed my clerkship a long time ago, I still call him for advice. His patience and his ability to explain makes him accesible. And of course he is an endless source of knowledge!”
The other legal officers at FEDSAS, Ms Juané van der Merwe and Ms Nicole Jacobs, also hold Janse van Rensburg in high regard and speak highly of his passion, not only for the law and education but also for South Africa. “His passion and commitment makes him one of the most visible supporters of quality education,” says Van der Merwe. Jacobs says one of Janse van Rensburg’s most impressive traits is that he does not compromise on quality service and fairness.
Janse van Rensburg says as far as he is concerned, all education roleplayers should have the same goal, namely to find solutions for challenges. “Our country has the expertise and the resources to establish a very succesful education system – now we should just work together in the application and execution thereof.”
Increasingly, school governing bodies are commiting to this goal, with more than 2000 public schools already members of FEDSAS. “With people like Marius and the thousands of members of school governing bodies actively involved in the future of our children we will reap the rewards,” says Colditz.
PHOTO: Mr Marius Janse van Rensburg (middle, back) of the Bloemfontein firm Horn & Van Rensburg, is widely respected for his involvement in school management and education law. With him are former candidate attorneys who completed their clerkship under his mentorship. All of them are now working in the field of education law. In the back row, left, is Mrs Suzaan Mellet, FEDSAS’ Manager: Support Services. In front are Ms Juané van der Merwe and Ms Nicole Jacobs, both legal officers at FEDSAS. In the back row, right, is Ms Ankia Bester, Assistant Provincial Secretary of the SAOU. 

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