
KZN Education Department’s administrative inability the root cause of hundreds of vacant posts, says FEDSAS

06/12/2016 - Fedsas

The approximately 800 vacant senior posts at schools in KwaZulu-Natal is the result of the provincial education department’s administrative incompetence.

In an article in The Mercury (06 December 2016) the provincial education department blames school governing bodies for the situation. According to a departmental spokesperson, SGBs did not make recommendations about appointments within the prescribed time framework.

“According to our information the Department’s claim is unfounded,” says Dr Jaco Deacon, Deputy CEO of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (FEDSAS). Six member schools of FEDSAS have confirmed that their SGBs have made the recommendations before the deadline in terms of the provincial education department’s management plan. “The Department has confirmed that the recommendations were received. The hold-up is therefore at the Department.”

According to the South African Schools’ Act governing bodies are responsible for compiling a shortlist, conducting interviews and making recommendations regarding appointments. In addition, the KZN Education Department only allowed three weeks for governing bodies to complete this process.  

“The Department is supposed to train governing bodies but only conducted one short workshop. FEDSAS has offered to take over this role on behalf of the Department and to train all governing bodies in the province. However, the Department has not even acknowledged receipt of the proposal,” says Deacon. FEDSAS has proven experience in school governance and has the necessary expertise and the logistical capacity to provide training.

“FEDSAS has informed the Department on a number of official forums that the current format of the appointment process is insufficient. Four processes per year will enable schools to fill positions timeously. The current process cannot accommodate the sheer number of vacant positions. This has a negative influence on school management, which in turn has a direct influence on education.”

Deacon says given the scandal surrounding the illegal sale of positions and the KZN Education Department’s role in this regard, one would have liked to believe that the Department would have done everything in its power to ensure that the appointment procedure is managed properly.

“FEDSAS is still prepared to be involved in training school governing bodies in the province, including schools that are not members of the organisation. Our only priority is quality education, and quality education is dependent on proper school governance,” says Deacon.

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